我16岁时认识皮尔森一家;17岁时能读懂kate裹在躯壳下的不自信;18岁时羡慕kevin虽然尽做糊涂事但却有破釜沉舟的勇气;19岁时心疼Randall对自己事事尽求完美的焦虑不安;20岁时我希望自己未来能像Rebecca和Jack那样把一块块时光碎片拼凑起来的勇气你们陪我度过人生中最青春的岁月我看你们谱写人生篇章You did so good
To be honest, it seems a little bit cliché now when you have seen how fascinating the first two seasons could be. The Pearson family may have this kind of magic but Pearsons’ friends and their friends’ family? I cannot guarantee. But who knows? This is just the beginning and their (our) new story is yet to come, so let’s just wait and see.